Role and Mission of CIRFS

Role and Mission of CIRFS

“CIRFS is THE voice of the Man-made Fibres Industry in Europe”


CIRFS’s mission is to facilitate sustainable growth of the European man-made fibres industry to meet the future needs of the consumer, society, and our planet.

CIRFS is driving this based on factual input from its members, close alignment with key stakeholders, partnerships with the regulatory framework, robust data management and effective communication.

Based in Brussels, CIRFS maintains close relationships both with European and international institutions. It represents more than 70% of the Man-Made Fibres (MMF)  industry in Europe and promotes the interests of its members in product and industry safety, competitiveness, and environmental sustainability.



  • To provide Expertise and Advocacy: advice/support on relevant issues such as:

- Trade: rules of origin, tariff / non-tariff barriers (support of fair rules, technical requests from members)

- Environment: REACH, Emissions, Circular Economy/Waste, balanced, fair legislation

- Energy: affordable and fair rules (e.g. ETS Carbon Leakage)

- Technical: promotion of BISFA test methods, generic fibre names, monitoring of CEN/ISO, burning behaviour, R&D

  • To strengthen the image of MMF by promoting the usefulness of MMF, their contribution to society and their innovativeness, building on over 70 years of experience
  • To level the playing field within the EU and the rest of the world (Faire Trade)

- Trade defence, AD/AS

- Balanced FTAs & bilateral tariff systems

- Free access to third markets

  •  To be a statistical and economic knowledge centre for fibres and textiles